Saturday, October 22, 2022

Blog Journal #8

    Some of the new skills that I gained from the Web Design assignment are how to embed HTML code on a website, create multiple Google calendars, add events to a Google calendar, make events on Google calendar public, and I also learned how to better envision my future. I liked that this assignment allowed for creative freedom which made it more fun. I do not think there was something that I disliked. I can apply what I learned from the assignment in my future career by actually making my own teacher website with features such as a Google Calendar so that parents, students, and the school administration can be up to date with what is going on in my classroom and my teaching career overall. Here is the link to the website that I created for the assignment:

The new skills that I learned by using Diigo throughout this semester are how to bookmark a website, share a website with a group, add tags, add highlights, add sticky notes, add comments, and make comments private or public. I can apply these skills I learned from Diigo in my classroom when my students have to read a text available online so that they can highlight important details. I can apply these skills when I work with other team members such as other teachers at the same school by creating a Diigo group. In the Diigo group, we can share websites with useful information or resources that can help us teach better in the classroom. Lastly, I can use Diigo in my individual professional efforts by frequently bookmarking websites that I find useful for my formation or professional development as a teacher and adding private notes on how to apply the information.

A website that I found that I think could be a helpful tool for teachers to stay informed on technology trends in education is made by the Office of Educational Technology. This is a government website. It includes features such as a blog, downloadable publications, technology resources for teachers, and stories. Their mission is to create national educational technology policies and create the vision for the place of technology in the classroom that allows for the transformation of teaching and learning for the better. The following is the link to the website:


  1. I absolutely love the layout of your website! It is so colorful, though I think the text should be a little larger so it can be easier to read. I love the section of about you and the pictures you uploaded. It is very easy to navigate and the alignment is perfect! So aesthetically pleasing!

  2. Hey! I really liked your website and thought it showed a lot of great repetition, by using the same background picture. I think you could have added more pictures to the student links so it would've added so proximity to your website. Overall, Great job!

  3. Hi! I really like how clean your website looks, it all goes together well and it does not overwhelm the viewer. The design is really easy to read and look at it.

  4. Hi, I liked how simple and straightforward your website was. You did a good job of making each page work well for what it was made for and not allowing any clutter anywhere. Good job.


Blog Journal #1

Blog Journal #9

          I have experienced distance learning both synchronously and asynchronously. Before the pandemic began, I participated in distance ...