Thursday, September 22, 2022

Blog Journal #4

The grade level that I chose from the Standards and Technology Matrices for ELA was third grade. The standard that I selected is LAFS.3.W.2.6. This standard states that students should be able to use technology to create and publish written works with adult guidance. In addition, students should be able to interact with the works of other students. I feel like I am prepared to teach this standard because I am proficient at typing, using word processors, and using blogs so I can give my students tips that can help them master these skills. However, I might need to learn how to use more kid friendly websites that are suitable for my students to introduce them to these skills.

The grade level that I selected on the CPALMS website was third grade because that is the grade I am most interested in teaching. I selected the math subject area. I clicked on the MA.3.FR.1.2 standard. The standard says that students should be able to model and understand fractions including those greater than one through adding. The resources that I found under this standard were many including student tutorials, a virtual manipulative, and assessments. I think I could incorporate the resources in a variety of ways. For example, I can use the student tutorial by assigning it to my students that were absent or that just need extra support to understand the material. I could also use the virtual manipulative by displaying it on the board to show fractions in an interactive format. I could show my students how to use the manipulative and then allow for them to come up to the board and try it themselves. Lastly, I could assign the assessments to see what my students have learned and what I can teach better or should review one more time with my students.

I think it is important to be a proficient internet searcher as a teacher to be able to find resources that you can directly use in your classroom to enhance student learning such as worksheets. I also think that being a proficient internet searcher is important to find resources that help you become an overall better teacher such as academic articles about teacher pedagogy. Out of the Internet searching skills that we learned about this week, I think that I would use the search within the website, search for an exact match, and the advanced image search the most. Lastly, I do not know of any additional Internet searching skills that were not mentioned this week.

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