Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Blog Journal #1

Welcome to my blog! My name is Alondra and I am a college student at Florida State University pursuing a degree in elementary education and a minor in child development. After tutoring elementary students for four years, I decided that education was something that I enjoyed, my calling. When I graduate, I hope to become a teacher preferably teaching either third or fourth grade. Later on in my career, I hope to try teaching middle or high school math since it is the subject that I enjoy teaching the most and become a principal of my own school. 

My prior experiences using technology in an educational setting are limited to the student perspective. When I was in middle and high school, we took technology classes where we would earn certifications for Microsoft apps such as Word, Powerpoint, Outlook, and Excel. At one point, I even earned my Adobe Photoshop certification because of these technology classes we had to take. Other ways in which I have experienced technology in an educational setting is when in grade school we would play jeopardy, kahoots, or watch videos about what we were learning in class. 

Learning resources that I regularly use to support my learning needs and goals range from people to tools to spaces to organizations. Some of the people that I use to support my learning are my professors, advisors, family, and former teachers. Some of the tools that I use to support my learning are my textbooks, google, youtube, and quizlet. Lastly, an organization that has helped support my learning is CARE which is an organization for first generation students at Florida State University.

Blog Journal #1

Blog Journal #9

          I have experienced distance learning both synchronously and asynchronously. Before the pandemic began, I participated in distance ...